
Showing posts from July, 2024

How To Backup WordPress Website Manually or With a Plugin | SFWPExperts

  Backing up a wordpress website is one of the most underrated but most important aspects of a successful website. Having access to updated backup can save you from a lot of headaches that most wordpress websites come across after their website lands in different problems. For example, if your wordpress website comes across any kind of security breach or the update affects the wordpress website functionality then you will always look to roll back ASAP.  Instead of troubleshooting most of the wordpress websites prefer to go with restoring their backup so that they can save time and roll back quickly. Because today a small downtime can directly impact the wordpress website traffic and conversion. Not only that but there are high chances that you might end up losing your prospects to your competitor’s websites. If your customers shift to your competitor’s website then it will become hard for you to bring them back. To Backup WordPress-Website-Manually-or-With-a-Plugin4

Types of Content: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's digital age, content is the cornerstone of marketing, communication, and engagement. It is the medium through which brands tell their stories, convey value, and connect with their audience. Understanding the different types of content and how to utilize them effectively is crucial for any successful marketing strategy. This comprehensive guide will explore the various types of content, their unique characteristics, and best practices for leveraging them to achieve your business goals. 1. Blog Posts Characteristics: Informative and educational Often part of a series or a regularly updated section Range from short (300-600 words) to long-form (1,000+ words) Includes text, images, videos, infographics, and links Benefits: Drives organic traffic through SEO Establishes authority and expertise in your niche Engages and educates your audience Provides material for social media and email marketing Best Practices: Research and use relevant keywords Write engaging, high-quality c

Guerrilla Marketing Series: Types of Ambush Marketing | SFWPExperts

  1. Direct Ambush Marketing  In direct Ambush Marketing, brands or company intends to make themselves associated with the event for which they have no right or sponsorship.   In 1994 FIFA football world cup Sprint communication co. used event logo without any permission from the official sponsor MasterCard and FIFA.  There are various marketing tactics in Direct ambush marketing.  Coattail Ambushing Coattail ambushing is all about advertising a brand and products by sponsoring an individual or related event without obtaining an official sponsorship of the main even or larger event. It happened in the 1996 Olympic Atlanta, Michael Johnson posed by wearing his gold medal and his gold Nike shoe that attracted many people’s attention. Reebok was the official sponsor of the Atlanta Olympic. Property or trademark Infringement Property or trademark infringement is all about a brand or local business using the same logos, symbols, tagline words, or phrases referring to a competitor to confuse

What Factors Influence the Cost of Google Ads?

Google Ads, the premier online advertising platform, offers businesses an opportunity to reach a global audience through various ad formats and targeting options. However, the cost of running Google Ads campaigns can vary significantly based on a multitude of factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for optimizing your advertising budget and achieving a favorable return on investment (ROI). In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various elements that influence the cost of Google Ads and provide insights on how to manage and optimize your advertising spend. 1. Bidding Strategy Overview Google Ads operates on a bidding system where advertisers place bids for ad placements. Your bid is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a click on your ad. However, your actual cost per click (CPC) may be lower, depending on competition and other factors. Types of Bidding Strategies Manual CPC: Allows you to set your own bids for individual keywords. While this provides control

What is Breadcrumb Navigation? SFWPExperts

  Breadcrumb navigation is a visual guide often located on the top below the banner or menu that helps users identify whether they are on your website. Or we can say it helps site vt5or to track their path so that they are aware of the page they landed and how they navigated to the page they are on. If you have visitors from top websites like Zappos or H&M then you must have found navigating like Homepage > Online shopping > Shoes > Women Shoes. These types of breadcrumb trail help users find where they landed in the beginning and where you are right now. By adding breadcrumb navigation you are offering freedom to your audience to explore different products and services on your website and then return back on the same page that they landed in the beginning to make the final purchase. It also helps your site visitor to understand the structure of your website and users also start to predict what they can find on the page just by looking at tile. So many people wilder why th

Tips To Reduce Post-Purchase Dissonance: SFWPExperts

  1. Offer detailed Information Before making any purchase, there is a group of customers who conduct in-depth research and analysis of the product they are looking to buy. The good thing is that conducting research and analysis about a product reduces the chances of experiencing post-purchase dissonance. Because they have already evaluated the product which means your customers know what they are buying and what they are paying for.  So if you want to reduce post-purchase dissonance then it is recommended to provide detailed information about your product. Providing detailed information about your product in the form of a micro-content will help them to explore more about your product. There are many eCommerce websites already using this technique to educate their audience about their product in the form of micro-content videos.  You can visit your competitor’s website to analyze what type of content the

Google Search Ranking Update & Volatility: 4th July 2024

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with search engine algorithms frequently updated to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality results. One such notable event in the SEO community occurred during the July 4th weekend, when Google implemented a significant search ranking update. This update caused considerable volatility in search rankings, affecting numerous websites across various industries. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the details of the July 4th weekend Google search ranking update, analyze the resulting volatility, and provide insights on how businesses can adapt to these changes. Understanding Google’s Search Ranking Updates Google’s search ranking updates are designed to improve the quality and relevance of search results. These updates can range from minor tweaks to major algorithm overhauls, and they can have a profound impact on website rankings. Google typically remains tight-lipped about the specifics of these updates, leaving SEO